
By LuisWert

How Apex Legends boosting could make you a better player

All Apex Legends players have encountered boosted players at one point or another. These players are often less skilled than the average player of that rank. Popular streamers may have said, “Damn, this guy is boosted” to players they beat with ease. The Apex Legends community is often negative about boosted players. We believe that boosting can improve any player’s gameplay in many ways. In this article we will share how premium apex legends boosting can make you a better player.

Observe the booster’s games

Our discussion begins with a feature that many reliable boosting sites offer: the ability to watch your booster live as he boosts you account. This will allow you to watch a professional player take down all his opponents right in front of you.

This is especially helpful if the player plays your favorite legend, which can then end up being a coaching session for you. It’s almost like watching a Twitch stream from a professional player except that you will be watching a booster beating players you have lost. You’ll learn many mechanics boosters use to sweep their games consistently and efficiently. This is the biggest plus. You will be a better player if you observe your booster.

Playing with your booster

Another useful feature offered by boosting websites is the ability to team up with your booster and begin destroying games together. Apart from watching your booster beat up your opponents, the most important benefit is that you can voice chat with your booster and learn many of the techniques and mechanics boosters use in order to win faster. It’s much more enjoyable to play with your booster than waiting for your account rank to reach it. You’ll have a lot more freedom to play aggressively and free of constraints knowing your teammate has the job to win Apex Legends games.

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Better players will improve your game

Like in life, Apex Legends is only as good as the people you surround yourself with. You’ll begin to adopt and implement some of their best gameplay habits if you play every game with skilled players.

After you have been promoted to a higher rank, don’t be afraid to play against other players. Instead, challenge yourself and keep a positive outlook on every game. Each game should be treated as an opportunity to learn from both your team and your opponents. Pay attention to your favorite legend’s moves and abilities. You don’t have to worry about being a liability or dragging down your team. Simply pick Lifeline. Take your time, and learn from your opponents and teammates.

Once you have played in higher elo for a while, you will feel you have a better grasp of the game and you can also improve your relationships with legends. It might take some time.

Voice chat with experienced teammates

Apex Legends has a voice chat feature that allows us to communicate with our teammates more effectively in-game. This is especially helpful if you are a boosted player who’s surrounded with players who are better at the game than yourself. You can simply listen and remain quiet at that point. Listening to the tips and commands of your coworkers will surprise you. Even if you get criticized, don’t let it stop. Keep your voicechat on and continue to soak up the sweet knowledge. You’ll soon be able to do the same things your colleagues have taught you, without thinking about it.

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Discord calls with high-level players

If you are playing in the competitive tiers of Apex, you have a good chance to be invited to Discord servers along with other high-elo Apex players. Being in these servers has the obvious advantage of being able to chat with other experienced players who can share their secrets to getting to where they are today. You can also tune in to their Discord streams and view screens and use that platform to gain more knowledge about the game. You can also request a one-on-1 coaching session with some of the most skilled players on the server. You might even get to chat with some of those e-girls who always lurk on these servers.


All of the above points are important to remember. Boosting does more than just make your Apex badge shiner. You’ll learn many useful mechanics from your booster by watching or playing along. The real fun starts once you have achieved your rank. Once you are matched up with new teammates and opponents, you will be able to elevate your game.