
By LuisWert


Every military group wants to have the exoskeleton. Now we know what it can do. What is the latest supplier? The city’s black market operation. This week, we’re looking at Chop Shop, a new Call of Duty(r): Advanced Warfare multiplayer map in the Ascendance DLC pack, available now on Xbox LIVE and coming to PlayStation(r)Network and PC on April 30th. Let’s get on with it.

Chop Shop Avoid Tunnel Vision

Chop Shop splits the map in half. The center area of Chop Shop sees a lot more action and there will be lots of tag between players. You can see that there is ample space on both sides. Each wing mirrors the other’s layout. Stick IOS to one side, and you can cut down enemies on your way to the middle if the center becomes too hot. To avoid retaliation, grab their tag and reposition.

Stop them in their tracks

To earn the map-based Advanced Repulsion Turret scoretreak, call Chop Shop and order an Orbital Care package. This placeable sentry constantly stuns and damages enemies who enter its energy field. It is a great way to protect your back or secure an entryway. There are multiple routes to each location. It is important to watch the turret and eliminate any enemies trying to take it out from another angle.

Get hooked

When you play Kill Confirmed on the Exo Grapple Playlist, the pace picks up. Blindly following tags will lead to you being taken out by close-quarters attack. Instead, plan your escape and use your grapple to quickly get out of trouble after nabbing the tags.

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To make sure you land a kill, throw your grapple if you are caught face to face. Although it takes practice, this technique can prove deadly in the right circumstances. Once you feel confident with your grapple movements, equip the Overcharged perk to get an extra hook shot before charging.

Don’t Let Up

It doesn’t matter if you are in the Exo Grapple Playlist, or not, mobility is essential. You’ll score more points the more engagements that you have. Chop Shop’s indoor spaces are perfect for missing tags, even if there isn’t a skirmish. To keep your feet on the ground while you are stocking up on denials and confirms, consider perks such as Lightweight and Fast Hands.